A Complete Guide to Solo Female Travel as a Woman Over 40

Woman standing by lake taken from behind, she is raising her arms in celebration. She is wearing a rucksack and a wooly hat

Hey there, ladies!

Do you long to solo travel as a woman over 40? Do you dream of exploring the world solo, but are unsure where to start? Or are you worried about how this is even possible? The first thing to know is that you’re not alone. In fact, you’re in the majority! Did you know that 84% of solo travelers are women? Even more surprising the average age is 47? And that 40% of baby boomers took a solo trip last year?! This guide to solo travel as a woman over 40 will help you take the leap and become one of these adventurous statistics.

That’s right; there’s a whole tribe of adventurous, independent women out there embracing the joy of solo trave over 40l. In this complete guide, I’ll take you through the ins and outs of solo female.  Whether you’re worried about safety, negotiating public transport, or language barriers; exploring the nightlife, packing your bags efficiently, or connecting with locals, I’ve got you covered, so you can just focus on making lifelong memories. Happy travels!

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Complete guide to solo travel as a woman over 40  images of 3 women enjoying solo travel

What is so great about solo travel as a woman over 40 anyway?

Those things in life that we’ve survived, like the divorce, or the empty nest, or the death of a beloved pet have actually freed us up to get out there and explore the world. There is so much to see and experience. At this point in our lives, whether that be our 40’s, our 50’s or our 60’s and beyond, we have greater freedom, greater security and a greater sense of self, all that contribute to the best things about embarking on solo adventures at this stage of life.

Self-Discovery: Now we’re no so busy taking care of everyone else in our lives, we can begin to reconnect with what makes us who we are; what we love to do and who we want to be. Solo travel as a woman over 40 provides an ideal environment for self-reflection and self-discovery. It allows us to reconnect with ourselves, rediscover our passions, and gain a deeper understanding of our values and desires.

Independence: Traveling alone fosters a great sense of independence and self-reliance. You’ll learn to navigate new situations, make decisions, and solve problems on your own. This will result in a huge boost in your self-confidence and self-belief in every area of your life. This is an impact of solo travel as a woman over 40 that will spill over into everything you think and do. It will change you; you’ll discover you are stronger than you ever thought.

Woman with long brown hair wearing reflective sunglass, text says embrace you

Freedom and Flexibility: You have the freedom to plan your itinerary according to your interests and preferences without compromising with others. I love this about travelling solo. You can be as spontaneous or as structured as you like, embracing the freedom to change plans at will. I love to visit museums and love not having to consider if I’m taking too long, or if my partner will be getting board.

Meeting New People: Solo travel encourages interaction with people from diverse backgrounds. You’ll have the opportunity to forge meaningful connections with fellow travelers, locals, and even form lifelong friendships. Every solo traveller I have spoken to says that other travellers are much more likely to strike up conversation if you are alone. People don’t approach couples and groups of friends in the same way. I’m still a work in progress when it comes to striking up conversations with other ladies, but I’m always super grateful when someone else makes that first move. As I’ve shared meals with ladies, had lovely chats while out exploring and enjoyed activities that brought many travellers together, (more on this later).

2 women sat in dorm room chatting with rucksack on bed

Cultural Immersion: Traveling alone often leads to a deeper cultural immersion. You can engage more authentically with the local culture, traditions, and cuisine, gaining a richer travel experience. My favourite inspirational lady for this, is the indomitable Rita Golden Gelman. If you haven’t read her book, ‘Tales of a Female Nomad: Living at large in the world,‘ then you must seek it out. I’m nowhere near as brave as her, but she sure is inspiring!

Personal Growth: Overcoming challenges and stepping out of your comfort zone during solo travel can result in significant personal growth. I promise, you’ll become more adaptable, open-minded, and resilient. Once you’ve dealt with navigating your way across a foreign city, where you don’t speak the language and the signs are all in the cyrillic alphabet (for example), you will grow to believe you can achieve anything. You will grow in ways you cannot even begin to imagine. And you life will be all the richer for those changes.

Empowerment: This is my big thing. I am so passionate about this topic. I’m a female empowerment and travel coach, alongside writing this blog and my goal in life is to helps support as many women as I can, find their inner truths, strengths and power, enabling them to live a life that they absolutely love.

I remember being absolutely terrified when my ex husband pronounced he wanted a divorce. I’d never lived alone and now I had to figure out how to do it with 3 kids! But i did it. And when I discovered this world of solo female travel, I thought to myself, well they can do it, so can I. And again, even though it was super scary I did it. My first trip was to Italy; I went to Venice and Rome for 10 days and it has been life changing for me, in so many ways.

Embarking on a solo journey, especially as a woman over 40, can be so empowering. It sends a powerful message to the universe that you are capable of embracing new adventures and taking control of your own life.

woman looking at the map
Photo by Leah Kelley on Pexels.com

Reigniting Passions: Ok, my fellow adventurers, let’s talk about reigniting those beautiful sparks within you. Solo travel, is like a canvas waiting for your passions to paint it with vibrant colors. Remember those hobbies you used to have? the ones you may have set aside while juggling life’s demands? Well, now’s your time to shine. Whether it’s capturing the world through photography, expressing yourself in art, whipping up culinary masterpieces, or hiking through nature’s wonders, solo travel sets the stage for you to immerse yourself in what you love most. So, pack your camera, grab your sketchbook, or lace up those hiking boots – your passions are waiting to be rediscovered. I’m so excited for you!

Peace and Solitude: In our bustling lives, finding moments of peace and solitude can be as elusive as a shooting star. But guess what? Solo travel gifts you those serene moments on a silver platter. Picture yourself meditating by the gentle waves of the beach, losing yourself in a captivating novel at a cozy café, or simply basking in the serenity of a breathtaking natural landscape. These pockets of tranquility become your sanctuary, allowing you to rejuvenate your soul and savor the beauty of solitude.

Some women struggle with the quiet, either initially or intermittently during their trip. We have become so used to being surrounded by other people and their needs, whether that be family or in work, it can be a huge shock to us to find ourselves alone. Learn to try and embrace the silence, but also to recognise when you need to seek out company.

Creating Unforgettable Memories: Ah, the art of crafting memories! When you venture out solo, you’re not just embarking on a journey; you’re weaving the fabric of unforgettable stories. Each day is a blank canvas. Whether it’s an unexpected encounter with a local artist, a spontaneous dance under the stars, or a heartfelt conversation with a fellow traveler, these are the moments that become cherished memories. With solo travel, you’re the author of your own tale, and oh, what a splendid story it will be! Be open to the possibilities your trip offers you. Practise saying ‘YES!’

Woman with lilac hair in a bright pink dess standing on a pebble beach
“Don’t ever accept anyone’s preconceived limitations. If there’s something you want to do, there isn’t any reason you can’t do it.”
– Amy Dodson

Inspiration: Solo travel is like a treasure trove of inspiration, waiting for you to unlock its secrets. It’s a journey that often leads to fresh perspectives, new ideas, and a renewed sense of purpose in life. The world becomes your muse, and every new destination whispers its own tales of wonder. As you explore, you’ll find that inspiration isn’t just a fleeting feeling; it’s a companion that accompanies you, shaping your thoughts and sparking your creativity. Your solo adventure may be the very thing that fuels your dreams and sets your spirit free.

So, my fellow adventurer, as you set forth on your solo travel escapade, remember that it’s not just a journey; it’s a symphony of passions, moments of serenity, an anthology of memories, and a wellspring of inspiration. Embrace it all, for your solo voyage is a masterpiece waiting to be painted.

Solo travel as a woman over 40 is an empowering and transformative experience that offers self-discovery, independence, cultural immersion, personal growth, and the opportunity to create lasting memories. It’s a chance to embrace life’s adventures on your terms, and it can be an incredibly fulfilling chapter in your journey.

Woman wearing straw hat standing in the Forbidden City
Me in the Forbidden City July 2019

Safety Concerns surrounding solo travel as a woman over 40

The biggest fear many women have about embarking on solo travel as a woman over 40 is if they will both feel and be safe. So let’s address these right away. Here are some crucial tips to ensure your security and peace of mind throughout your journey.

A side profile of a woman in a russet-colored turtleneck and white bag. She looks up with her eyes closed.

“Safety is paramount when travelling solo as a women over 40.”

1. Crossbody Bags and Anti-Theft Options:

Opt for a crossbody bag with multiple compartments and zippers. This style of bag is not only fashionable but also practical for keeping your essentials secure. Consider brands like Travelon, known for their anti-theft features, including RFID-blocking technology and lockable zippers.

2. Trust Your Gut Instinct

Your intuition is a powerful tool for staying safe. You need to learn torust yourself. If a situation or person feels uncomfortable or unsafe, remove yourself from it immediately. It’s better to be cautious and take preventive measures than to risk your safety. You wouldn’t walk alone along dark streets in your home town, so definitely don’t do it when travelling.

3. Use Common Sense

While exploring, be mindful of your surroundings. Avoid displaying valuable items like expensive jewelry or large amounts of cash.

4. Keep Important Documents Secure

Always have a copy of your passport and insurance docs, preferably in a money belt or a hidden pouch under your clothing. Some people prefer to keep their originals in a safe in their hotel. I also like to have a paper copy of any tickets booked for travel or activities, tours and my hotel accommodation confirmation. Just in case. ‘Cos I’m that kind of girl!

4. Stay connected with a Local Sim Card

If you are travelling around Europe your phone provider may offer coverage included within your package. If you are venturing further afield you might want to consider getting a local sim card.

You can purchase a local SIM card upon arrival at your destination, withing the airport. This allows you to have a local phone number, which is needed for local taxi apps; to access data for maps and communication; and to stay connected with your loved ones.

Alternatively, my choice would be to consider using an e-SIM card, as there is no stress at the airport, it just kicks in on landing. Companies like Holafly and Airalo have got good reviews from the blogging community. Your device will need to have dual sim capacity, or be unlocked to use both a local or e-sim.

5. Share your itinerary with someone you trust.

Leave a copy of your itinerary with someone at home, a friend or family member. Let them know to expect you to check in with them regularly, so they can put out an alert if they can’t get hold of you. If you are planning a hike alone, let your hotel know your planned route before you leave, and your estimated time to return.

Dealing With the Fear of Getting Lost during solo travel as a woman over 40

woman looking at the map
The beginning of the adventure of finding yourself is to lose your way.

Another major fear that women face, when thinking about solo travel as a woman over 40, certainly one that I struggled with, was the fear of getting lost. What if I couldn’t find my way back to my hotel?

This fear of is entirely natural, especially when you’re traveling solo. However, it shouldn’t hold you back from exploring new places. Here are some tips to ease that fear.

1. Maps & GPS

Equip yourself with a reliable map or GPS app on your smartphone. Download maps of the area you’ll be visiting before your trip, so you can access them offline. This is super important. I once got more and more lost in London one evening as Google Maps kept rerouting and rerouting me. By downloading maps, this won’t happen and you’ll always have a reference point to find your way back. (You’ll be happy to know I eventually caught a black cab taxi and had them take me back to my hostel. And I’ve since learnt that I was trying to follow the blue blip the wrong direction!)

2. Learn Local Landmarks

Take the time to familiarize yourself with prominent landmarks and street names in the area. In Edinburgh, for example, you can always figure out where you are in relation to the castle. Knowing key reference points can help you navigate even when you’re temporarily off the beaten path. Towers, hills, flagpoles, the sea or a canal, even billboards can all help you re-calibrate where you are.

3. Ask Locals for Directions

Don’t hesitate to approach friendly locals for directions. Most people are happy to assist travelers, and it can be an excellent opportunity for cultural exchange. Also, luckily for me, many people across the world speak English and are happy to practise by talking with you.

4. Use Ride-Sharing Apps:

If you’re in a city, ride-sharing apps like Uber or Lyft can be a safe and convenient way to get around. Just make sure to verify the driver and the vehicle before getting in.

5. Embrace the Adventure

Getting lost can sometimes lead to unexpected discoveries and memorable experiences. Rather than viewing it as a negative, consider it a chance to explore new neighborhoods, stumble upon hidden gems, and test your problem-solving skills. I learnt this in Venice, initally I was nervous about taking all the narrow walkways, but I soon learned how much it fun it was wandering, discovering squares with locals hanging out. You too can do this, I promise.

Remember that even if you do get lost temporarily, it’s unlikely to be a life-altering situation. Stay calm, rely on your resources, and trust in your ability to navigate through challenges. Solo travel often presents the opportunity for personal growth, and conquering the fear of getting lost is a part of that journey.

Sightseeing and Cultural Immersion

Let’s talk sightseeing, my fellow adventurers! It’s that exhilarating part of travel where we get to explore new horizons, soak in the beauty of unfamiliar landscapes, and uncover hidden treasures. And here’s why sightseeing, especially through solo travel as a woman over 40, is an absolute gem of an experience and how to get the most out of your time abroad.

Plan Your Itinerary:

Picture this – you’re at your dream destination, and there’s so much to see and do. It’s like a buffet of experiences, but can be totally overwhelming! Take a deep breath and start by crafting your own adventure roadmap.

Research the must-see attractions, the local hotspots, and those little gems that are off the beaten path. Organise them into areas, so you’re not criss-crossing back and forth across the city. Check out transport options between your destinations and figure out an estimated time you might want to spend their based off other travellers experiences. This way, you’re all set to make the most of your time. I would suggest not planning more than 2 or at the most 3 big ticket items in one day. Make sure you leave time to relax in that cafe, sit next to the river and just enjoy the atmosphere of where you are.

If you’d like some help with this, this is the perfect time for me to mention that I provide a travel itinerary serve. Click here to find out more.

Use Guided Tours

Here’s a little secret: guided tours are your best friend! Whether it’s a walking tour through a historic city, a hike through breathtaking nature, or an exploration of local culture, guided tours are like treasure hunts led by experts. Plus, they’re fantastic for connecting with fellow travelers, sharing stories, and making new friends.

Although you set off to solo travel as a woman over 40, you might find someone who wants to go for dinner, or meet up at another venue the next day. You also get to experience the wealth of knowledge that your guides will have about your site. Seeing the Vatican with a guide was a much more educational and therefore satisfying experience, than just wandering through the corridors on my own would have been.

Explore Off the Beaten Path: While hitting the famous landmarks is a must, don’t forget the magic of wandering off the beaten path. Venture into local neighborhoods, stumble upon quirky cafes, and explore the quieter, less touristy areas. It’s in these hidden corners that you often find the soul of a place, just waiting to be discovered. You’ll also get to experience more of what daily life looks like for the locals.

Capture the Moments

Our travels are more than just experiences; they’re stories waiting to be told. While there is a school of thought that encourages us to be in the moment and not to just experience a place through the lens of a camera, I feel it’s important to have a balance. Don’t forget to capture those beautiful moments. Whether you’re a photographer, a writer, or a simple journal-keeper, documenting your adventures helps you relive the magic later on. So, snap those pictures, jot down those thoughts, and create a treasure trove of memories. Just don’t forget to leave time to simply enjoy the moment.

Stay Safe: Now, while we’re all about exploring and embracing the world, it’s crucial to stay safe. Always keep an eye on your belongings, especially in crowded places. It’s a good idea to have a secure bag, like a crossbody bag with anti-theft features, to keep your essentials protected. Safety is our priority, ladies!

Sightseeing is like embarking on a thrilling treasure hunt. Whether you’re wandering the streets of a charming city, hiking in breathtaking nature, or savoring local cuisine, remember to plan your journey, embrace the magic of guided tours, explore the hidden gems, capture every precious moment, and, most importantly, stay safe as you create unforgettable memories.

example of sightseeing during solo travel as a woman over 40, temples in SEA

Engaging with & Talking to Locals

As a woman over 40 this is something I still find challenging – but I’m working on it!

Connecting with the locals can really add special moments to your solo travel as a woman over 40. These interactions are those you will remember forever. Here’s how to strike up those meaningful conversations and make friends all around the globe:

A little effort goes a long way. Learning a few basic phrases in the local language can work wonders. “Hello,” “thank you,” and “how are you?” are your useful, golden keys to local hearts.

Don’t be shy to ask questions about local culture, traditions, and recommendations. Most people love sharing their insights and are delighted when you show an interest.

Step away from the tourist traps and explore local hangouts. You might discover charming cafes, hidden markets, and authentic eateries where the real magic happens.

Remember to be respectful of local customs and traditions. Your curiosity is welcome, but always approach it with sensitivity and an open heart. Conversation can start with a simple smile and a warm greeting. Locals often appreciate the friendly gesture, and it’s the perfect icebreaker.

However, do some research on customs for where you are travelling to. In the West we see eye contact and smiling as polite, in Egypt, for example, the men might misinterpret this as some kind on come on to them, creating a possible uncomfortable or even potentially dangerous interaction.

Egyptian women talking, getting to know locals when we solo travel as a woman over 40

Going out at night during solo travel as a woman over 40

Now, let’s talk about those magical evenings when the world comes alive under the stars. Going out at night when engaging in solo travel as a woman over 40 can be an enchanting experience. Here’s how to embrace the night with confidence:

Before heading out, plan your evening activities and destinations. This ensures you have a clear idea of where you’re going and how to get back safely. Ak at your reception for taxi numbers or book them in advance.

Choose comfortable and appropriate attire for the evening’s activities. Dressing comfortably not only boosts your confidence but also ensures you can enjoy the night to the fullest. Be aware of cultural norms to prevent getting unwanted attention. While I would love to say dress as you like, the reality is that women alone can already attract unwanted and unwarranted male attention. It’s something, unfortunately, that we need to be aware of.

While you’re out and about, stay aware of your surroundings. Keep an eye on your belongings and be cautious in unfamiliar areas. Don’t drink alcohol to excess. Not only does it make you more vulnerable, it lowers your inhibitions and your sense of danger. I only ever have 1 or 2 glasses of wine at the most when I’m out on an evening.

Advice for evenings, be safe at night, dark haired woman walking along street with streetlights

If you’d prefer to not go out alone at night

Many women, even those not on a trip that is solo travel as a woman over 40, prefer not to go out alone at night. If this is you, consider joining group activities organized by your accommodation or local tour operators. These can be a fantastic way to socialize and explore in good company. I enjoyed a fantastic food tour in Seville; I stayed out much later than I normally would and felt totally safe the entire time.

You know this already, but it’s worth a reminder. Most importantly, trust your instincts. If something doesn’t feel right, it probably isn’t. It’s perfectly okay to change your plans or head back to your accommodation if you’re not comfortable.

making friends through solo travel as a woman over 40, women standing talking in a hostel dorm

Finding Friends and Crafting Unforgettable Memories

Solo travel is an incredible journey, and it doesn’t mean you’re destined to be alone all the time. Quite the opposite – the world is teeming with kindred spirits eagerly waiting to share experiences with you. Here’s how to weave those beautiful connections on the road through solo travel as a woman over 40.

Some ways to add company to your solo trip

Group tours and excursions are like treasure chests of friendship waiting to be opened. They bring together like-minded souls with a shared curiosity for the world. Joining one of these is not just about the destination; it’s about the people you’ll meet along the way. And the tour gives you a joint interest, making it easier to strike up that conversation.

Local events and workshops are fantastic hubs for mingling with both locals and fellow travelers. Whether it’s a cooking class, a cultural festival, or a yoga retreat, these gatherings are fertile ground for making new friends.

Social media and travel apps can be your secret sauce for connecting with fellow wanderers. There are countless travel communities and groups where you can find like-minded souls eager to meet up. Couchsurfing is not longer just for people looking for a bed, they hold many social events in cities all over the world. Similarly, MeetUp is also a place you can find like-minded ladies to hang out with.

Strike up a conversation

Here’s a little secret: conversations are the bridges to beautiful friendships. Don’t be shy to strike up chats with both locals and fellow travelers. That person sipping coffee at the café or the friendly vendor at the market might just become your next adventure buddy. I’m still working on this, I don’t find it easy, but when I have engaged, I have had lovely conversations and some shared meals. It’s definitely worth stepping outside your comfort zone and giving it a try.

Now, let’s dive into the heart of your adventure, where we craft memories that will stay with you forever. Here are some exciting activities to consider for your solo travel as a woman over 40, as you explore the world.

Activities that are great for connecting with other like minded ladies

Look to cook? Ready to embark on a culinary journey? Food tours and cooking classes offer a delicious way to connect with local culture. Savoring flavors and mastering traditional recipes? It’s a feast for both your taste buds and your soul.

Imagine wandering off the beaten path with guided hikes and outdoor adventures. These experiences unveil the untouched beauty of nature, allowing you to breathe in the pure essence of a place. It’s where you find those breathtaking landscapes and secret spots that steal your heart.

Giving back is a beautiful way to connect with the community. Consider volunteering opportunities that let you contribute to local projects and make a meaningful impact. It’s a chance to leave a positive footprint on the world.

When the world feels like a whirlwind, a wellness retreat is your oasis of relaxation and rejuvenation. These retreats offer a space to pamper your mind, body, and soul. It’s self-care in its most enchanting form.

So, lovely ladies, whether you’re weaving friendships, savoring flavors, chasing hidden gems, lending a helping hand, or finding tranquility in a wellness retreat, these are the threads that weave your adventure tapestry. They’re the moments that color your journey and give you chance to connect with others, etching unforgettable memories into your heart.

Embracing the Solitude of a Solo Trip

Let’s talk about something truly special – embracing those moments of solitude during your solo adventure. You see, solo travel isn’t just about exploring the world; it’s a journey of self-discovery like no other. Here’s how to make the most of your solo moments during your solo travel as a woman over 40.

Picture this: You, a charming local restaurant, and a delicious meal. Dining alone can be a beautiful experience, though I kn ow it is something many ladies struggle with. If this is you then try experience a meal at lunch, instead of in the evening. You’re less likely to be surrounded by happy couples, and, as a bonus, lunch prices are often lower than dinner! It’s a chance to savor not just the food but the moments of quiet reflection, appreciating the flavors and textures as you nourish your body and soul.

Keep a Travel Journal

A travel journal is like a dear friend who listens without judgment. Use it to jot down your thoughts, reflections, and the unique moments you encounter along the way. It’s a great task to distract you when sitting in a cafe or for a meal. When you return home, you will always be able to picture your journey in full colour, with all the details you noted..

Explore at Your Own Pace

Solo travel is all about freedom. It’s the freedom to follow your interests, wherever they may lead. Whether you’re lingering in an art gallery, strolling through a bustling market, or pausing to watch a mesmerizing sunset, do it at your own pace. These moments of unhurried exploration are where magic happens.

Learning to Appreciate Your Company

Amidst the whirlwind of life, we often forget the beauty of our own company. Solo travel is your chance to appreciate yourself fully. It’s a time to connect with your thoughts, your dreams, and your essence. Treat yourself with kindness and embrace the joy of solitude.

So, my dear solo traveler, as you venture into the world, don’t shy away from these moments of self-discovery. They’re the threads that weave the tapestry of your journey, adding depth, color, and richness to your adventure. Happy solo moments, my introspective explorer!

Practical tips picture of a map with cup of coffee and a camera

Practical Tips for starting to solo travel as a woman over 40

We’ve talked about the wonders of solo travel, the joy of rediscovering passions, and the beauty of cultural immersion. Now, it’s time to roll up our sleeves and dive into some practical advice that will empower you on your solo adventures. We’re about to equip you with tips, tricks, and savvy strategies to make your journey as smooth as silk. So, grab your notepads and get ready, because the world is your oyster, and we’re about to help you crack it open!

Practical tips, finding flights to solo travel as a woman over 40, view from plane at sunset

Finding Flights

Ladies, before you embark on your incredible journey, you need to organise the transport to get there. Let’s talk about scoring those perfect flights. Here are some tips to help you uncover the best deals and kick off your adventure hassle-free.

1. Embrace Fare Comparison

Picture this – you, your laptop, and a cup of coffee. Now, add fare comparison websites and apps to the mix! They’re your trusty companions in the quest for budget-friendly flights.

However, my advice would always be to book direct with the airline themselves, just in case anything goes wrong. Third party websites are not going to be very supportive or helpful if you miss a flight, or a flight is cancelled due to whether. In those cases you want to be dealing directly with the airline, this way you ‘should’ receive better customer service.

2. Be a Flexibility Pro

Here’s a little secret: flexibility is your travel BFF. Be open to different airports and travel dates – you might just stumble upon hidden gems and incredible savings. If you are retired, or have an extended leave time, search the entire month, you might be shocked at the differences in prices.

3. Peace of Mind with Travel Insurance

You know that feeling of having all your ducks in a row? Travel insurance can give you just that – peace of mind. Consider it for those unexpected twists and turns.

4. Frequent Flyer Perks

Ever dreamt of being greeted with a smile and a “Welcome Back” sign? Join frequent flyer programs for potential perks and the warm fuzzies that come with being a VIP. If you are in the US then embrace Travel Hacking to find flights using your points. I’m no expert on this but check out Nomadic Matt: https://www.nomadicmatt.com/travel-blogs/travel-hacking-101/

modern style bedroom
Photo by Engin Akyurt on Pexels.com


Alright, now let’s talk about where you’ll rest your head after a day of exploration. Picking the perfect spot can be a game-changer for your solo adventure. Check out these accommodation options designed with you and your solo travel as a woman over 40, in mind:

1. Boutique Hotels

Imagine luxury with a touch of intimacy. Boutique hotels are your cozy, elegant hideaways, offering you a taste of opulence without sacrificing personal charm. On my tour of Andalucía in the spring of 2023 I treated myself to a range of boutique hotels, as the trip was a belated treat for ,my 50th birthday. I love heritage type hotels, that have character and colour.

2. Vacation Rentals

Need a home away from home? Vacation rentals are your answer. Whilst I appreciate there is a lot of controversy surrounding Airbnb, they do provide the comfort and convenience of your own space, letting you live like a local. Possibly the best option if you want to get your clothes washed, or if you have dietary requirement such as Celiac and are worried about cross-contamination, or if you are working and need a reliable internet.

3. Hostels – Not Just for Backpackers

News flash ladies – hostels are not just for backpackers.

Hostels can be a fantastic option for solo travelers of all ages. Here’s what you need to know:

  • Choose hostels with private rooms for added comfort, or a female only dorm with privacy curtains and an ensuite bathroom
  • Read reviews and do thorough research before booking.
  • Embrace the communal atmosphere; it’s a great way to meet new people.
  • Always secure your belongings and use the lockers available. Some hostels require you to bring your own padlock, many of the newer ones have a key code system.

Hostels are great for socializing, connecting with fellow travelers, and sharing incredible stories. I LOVE staying in hostels. I love the cost, the opportunities to socialise and cook for myself, the tours and activities they offer… so many things! If you are unsure about them, check out my detailed post about staying in a hostel as a woman over 40 here.

4. Safety First

Two of the ways I help myself feel safe about my accommodation choices are:

  1. Read the reviews! I cannot stress this enough
  2. Check out the location for ease of getting to the sites you want to see. Is it near a bus / subway or train station? Is it near restaurants? I wouldn’t want to save money on my accommodation, to then have to spend it all on expensive taxis.

photo of a woman holding her luggage
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels.com

Packing Tips

Packing is an art, and it’s all about being prepared for your adventure without lugging around unnecessary baggage.

Here are some packing tips to help you solo travel with ease as a woman over 40

Start with a packing list. Jot down everything you’ll need for your journey. This way, you won’t forget the essentials. Lay everything on your list out on your bed

Opt for versatile clothing pieces that can be mixed and matched. This reduces the number of outfits you need to carry. I recommend a combination of trousers and skirts, 3 at the most and 5 tops that co-ordinate with each piece. This will give you 15 different combinations of outfit.

Layers are your best friend, especially for varying climates. They provide flexibility and keep you comfortable in changing weather. Consider adding a scarf, which can act as a shawl, when you need a cover up for visiting Mosques or other religious places and can totally change up your outfit.

I’m so excited about packing cubes! Is that a bit sad? Consider using packing cubes to keep your luggage organized. They’re a game-changer for staying neat and efficient on the road. I use 1 for underwear and swimwear, 1 for tops and bottoms and 1 for toiletries and medication. I carry a spare one, which I then use for dirty washing.

Invest in travel-size toiletries to save space and avoid lugging heavy bottles. You can refill them as needed.

Always keep essential items like medications, travel documents, and a change of clothes in your carry-on bag. This ensures you’re prepared for any unexpected delays.

Packing as a plus size lady

As a plus size lady I really struggle with the carry-on craze that seems to be everywhere in the travel circle at the moment. Let’s be honest, one of my T-shirts is probably the same size as 4 little crop tops that I could have worn when I was 20. However, I’ve also struggled hauling my 20kg suitcase up 4 flights of stairs! For my next trip I’m going to work with my Osprey 45ltre backpack and a carry-on case. I’ll let you know how that works out, it seems like a good compromise to me.

Remember, ladies, packing for solo travel as a woman over 40 is all about finding the balance between comfort and convenience. With these tips in your toolkit, you’re ready to explore the world with confidence and style, and without injuring your back with your heavy case.

In Conclusion: Embrace Your Solo Journey

Map, passport and camera, solo travel as a woman over 40, ready to go

Ladies, as I conclude our complete guide to travel as a solo woman over 40, I want to leave you with one resounding message: your adventure awaits, and it’s yours to claim with open arms and an adventurous spirit!

You’ve discovered the magic of self-discovery, the joy of embracing independence, and the freedom to craft your own unique journey. Along the way, we’ve shared tips on everything from finding the perfect flight to connecting with locals, from exploring hidden gems to savoring local flavors. And in each of these aspects, your age becomes your strength, your wisdom a trusted compass, and your experiences the ink that colors the pages of your travel story.

Traveling solo as a woman over 40 isn’t just a journey; it’s a celebration of your resilience, your curiosity, and your unbreakable spirit. It’s a testament to the power of embracing the unknown, forging connections, and creating memories that will warm your heart for years to come.

So, my fellow adventurers, as you step out into this world, remember that age is but a number, and the road ahead is yours to shape. Embrace every moment, welcome new friends, savor new experiences, and above all, cherish the incredible journey of discovering yourself as you explore the world.

Your adventure has only just begun, and I have no doubt that it will be nothing short of extraordinary. Safe travels, my fearless explorers, and may your solo journeys be filled with joy, discovery, and the kind of magic that only comes from embracing the world on your terms.

Keep traveling, keep exploring, and keep shining bright.

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Tracy Hastie

I’m Tracy and I love to travel.  This is a place where you can discover how to take that solo trip you’ve been dreaming of for years. There’s also a splash of travel guides, a smidgeon of travel writing stories, a sprinkling of Scotland and a whole host of empowering content to help support you be the women you are deep inside.  Travelling helps build our confidence, but what do we do before we have that? I’m here to help you bridge that gap.

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