The Best 5 Destinations for Your 1st Solo Trip

1st solo trip Rialto Venice, over the Grand Canal, Venice, Italy

Now you’ve decided to take that plunge – where should you go for that best 1st solo trip experience? Let me share with you the best 5 destinations for your 1st solo trip.

Here are 5 places you may want to consider

Yeah you! You’ve found the confidence to take that 1st solo trip. But where to go? Your decision may solely be based on finances or time off you have available. But, let’s pretend the world is your oyster. What should you consider before pressing that ‘book now’ button.

Best Solo Trip Destination 1. European Cities

Drone view of the streets of Barcelona at sunset

When I first thought about travelling solo, my first instinct was to head to Europe. Maybe because I live in Europe, it seemed an accessible and achievable goal.

There is still a sense of the familiar. The signs are in the same alphabet.

And it’s important not to overlook the absence of a language barrier.It is a fact that most people in Europe speak English to some extent, particularly the younger generations. And most definitely in tourist hotspots like Berlin, Amsterdam, Barcelona and Rome.

Language Barriers

I learned some Italian in preparation for my trip because I was nervous about getting lost and not being able to ask for or understand directions.But everyone spoke English. I have found this to be the case in all the European cities I have since visited. If you only speak English, this is something that can reassure you about taking the plunge to travel solo.

There is lots and lots of information available both online and in travel guides before you go.

This not only allows you to plan and make the most of your time but also ensures you are prepared to some extent for what to expect.You can look online at the train station and find the exit, so you feel more comfortable on arrival – that kind of thing.


Another element in the favour of a European city break is that the infrastructure is there to accommodate tourists. The tram or metro systems are well signposted and straightforward to follow. They are used to dealing with hundreds of thousands of tourists, so they make it as easy for us as possible. Most cities have little street signposts signalling the way to the main tourist attractions and museums.

Best Solo Trip Destination 2. South East Asia

1st solo trip destination Thailand, temples and statue
Demonstrate to those gap year kids how it’s done: embark on a solo trip in SE Asia.
Photo by Mathew Schwartz on Unsplash

The Banana Pancake Trail…

Talking about infrastructure, South East Asia has one of the most established tourist trails in the world.

Backpackers discovered SE Asia in the 1960s and have established the ‘backpackers trail’ for you to follow.Disillusioned by politics and inspired by artists such as The Beatles and Allen Gingsberg, hippies started to explore the area. This is why some know it as the ‘banana pancake trail,’ named after the guesthouses started to sell banana pancakes to the hippies back in the 70’s.

My view on solo travel in SE Asia is that if thousands of 18 year old gap year kids have managed to navigate this area over the past couple of decades, then us women, who have way more life experience, should also be able to survive!

Most people start their tour of SE Asia in Bangkok, but you could also have a more dignified start in Singapore if you liked. Bangkok has a reputation for being a little overwhelming on the senses on first arrival. I would suggest staying off Khao San Road in the first instance, unless you are up for the chaos and partying it is famous for.

The Route

Check out The Broke Backpacker’s map below which highlights the most common route backpackers take. The whole route could take around 2 months, if you can spare the time, or you could dip in and out depending on what you most want to see.

1st Solo trip destinations map of SE Asia showing Backpacker trail
The Backpacker Trail
Photo courtesy of The Broke Backpacker

Jumping into SE Asia could be taking up the solo travel another notch, but I believe it is 100% doable for us all. Affordable and with an established infrastructure, SE Asia is somewhere to definitely consider for you 1st solo travel experience.

Best Solo Trip Destination 3. Road Tripping

1st solo destination roadtrip using Old style VW campervan in front of tree with yellow flowers
You may prefer a newer van for a roadtrip, but I feel there’s something special about the old VW’s
Photo by Ben Shanks on Unsplash

If SE Asia is a bit too much of a leap for you, how about considering a road trip for your 1st solo travel experience?

If driving on the wrong side of the road isn’t an issue for you then here are 3 stunning location to whet your appetite.


So many places to choose. Germany’s 217 mile Romantic Road stopping at cute fairytale towns, such as Rothenburg ob der Tauber and  Wieskirche and checking out castles? Have you seen Neuschwanstein Castle?!! Apparently it was the inspiration behind Walt Disney’s Cinderella’s castle; when you see it this rumour is totally believable.


Portugal’s coastal route has an incredible 500km of Atlantic coastline to choose from. Pick the  southern Alentejo coast, consisting of dramatic cliffs and stunning beaches: 100 km of it is natural park; the more southern Algarve; or the northern route between Lisbon and Porto for more errr… stunning beaches and dramatic cliffs. No matter which direction you choose, you’ll encounter charming old fishing villages to visit along the way.


The North Coast 500 is Scotland’s answer to the US Route 66. Consisting of – you guessed it – a 500 mile stretch of coastline looping around Scotland’s north coast, it consists of some of the most stunning mountainous and coastal views anywhere in the world.

Prepare for single track roads and cattle and sheep wandering about.Epic views at every twist and turn, deserted beaches and a smattering of distilleries for both whiskey and gin.

4. Best Solo Trip Destination: USA, Canada, Oceania

1st solo trip destinations Lake Louise and mountains in Canadian Rockies
Lake Louise, a must-see on a roadtrip of the Canadian Rockie
Photo by Kevin Noble on Unsplash

There’s also the classic Route 66 in the US

Canadian Rockies Calgary to Vancouver. If yo get the timing right for this trip (hint the beginning of July) you could start with the Calgary Stampede – a huge extravaganza of rodeo before heading south to explore the Rockies and ending wth a trip to Vancouver Island for Whale wtching.

You could roadtrip this, or you could navigate by train. There is the ultra amazing (insert expensive) option of the Rocky Mountaineer or the less costly option of the Via Rail

Australia and New Zealand often get grouped together, even though they are distinct countries with significant differences…

Best 1st Solo Trip Destination 5. India, Egypt, Africa

1st solo trip destination Taj Mahal through a carved gateway
Photo by Sylwia Bartyzel on Unsplash

What?! Are you crazy I hear you protest! When I first decided to write this post, I wouldn’t have included India, Egypt or Africa in my list of destinations. But that was my insecurities that were speaking.

I reached out to fellow solo female travellers and asked them about their choices of destination for their 1st solo trip. I discovered that women who had made the decision to travel had no limits.

Yes, there were still fears, but they went anyway. So here’s to you , my fellow women explorers: Europe, India, Egypt and Africa here we come!

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Tracy Hastie

I’m Tracy and I love to travel.  This is a place where you can discover how to take that solo trip you’ve been dreaming of for years. There’s also a splash of travel guides, a smidgeon of travel writing stories, a sprinkling of Scotland and a whole host of empowering content to help support you be the women you are deep inside.  Travelling helps build our confidence, but what do we do before we have that? I’m here to help you bridge that gap.

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